A very nice, big bust from Karol Rudyk miniatures. The sculpt was really well made, with some customization options which is unusual, I hope more bust creators will start doing it.


As usual, some things went ok, some went bad. The main problem was motivation, not skillset. The fabric has quite ok volumes but could use stronger light, the face has some character (maybe it’s a bit too pale), I really liked painting the cat and it turned out ok I think. The details like flowers & necklace, colour composition are quite good. For the first time I’ve tried to do some “artistic” freehand (the mirror), and it works well with this bust’s story, I’m glad I’ve conquered my freehand fears somehow. The biggest problem in this piece is that arms lack more dramatic lighting, also the difference in skintones & their unadequate volumes vs the face. There was a lot of time between these fragments, they should have been painted together for coherency, especially on such big scale bust. If I had to change something other than stronger light, I’d definately put a lot more effort to NMM on the back of the mirror , it’s very lackluster and it’s very close to the face.

Conclusion: more volume sketching + airbrush on big parts for more interesting surfaces!

